What is DEEP?
The Dementia Engagement & Empowerment Project (DEEP) brings together groups of people with dementia from across the UK.
DEEP guides aim to support the involvement of people with dementia. Some were created for DEEP groups or individuals with dementia, others are for organisations wanting to work well with people who have dementia.
Some of these guides were co-produced with people with dementia, others were created independently by groups of people with dementia. This list of DEEP guides will be regularly updated throughout the project; contributions and suggestions for new guides are welcome. Please contact DEEP for more information.
“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” B.B. King A knowledge network for caregivers': Organizations and Associations | Government Local, State, Federal, International; Medical Centers, Hospitals, Schools and University's.
Knowledge Network
Provided by Dave Mainwaring's Knowledge-Network